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1. Hitachiota Budo Festival 667 view 0 res Entertainment 2023/03/01 01:45
It will be held on March 19 at the Yamabuki Athletic Park Civic Gymnasium.
They say anyone can participate !.
2. Regional Development Cooperation Team of Hitachiot... 996 view 0 res Local news 2022/10/08 02:51
They are looking for a natural cheese artisan as part of the project.
3. Hitachiota no Osabaya-san Kai" Stamp Rally ・ Digit... 554 view 0 res Food / Gourmet 2022/08/31 14:08
They are going to have both a digital stamp rally and a stamp rally with a mount. !

If you collect stamps, you will be entere...
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